Thursday, December 6, 2012

Our Dog Food Journey

 With any family pet, we have so many decisions to make when it comes to their food. Natural, grain free, cruelty free, and the list seems never ending. It took us almost four years, until we found a formula that worked for our Vizsla, inside and out.

While we were out last night buying a new bag of dog food, I started to think about the connection of Bailey's good health to his dog food. My husband, Travis, was shocked by the $60 price tag for the 25 lb. bag of dog food but his overall good health has been worth the hit to our wallets.

This was only the second shot I tried to get. I think it turned our great :)
When we lived in Washington, Bailey was on Taste of the Wild ‘Sierra Mountain’ formula and it seemed to work for him. His stools were solid, his weight was maintained and he had the energy of a Vizsla, until one day I noticed a rash around his groin. Thinking that there was nothing out of the ordinary in his diet/lifestyle, we took him to the vet. Our Veterinarian said it was “dog acne” prescribed some medication, sent us on our way and I felt like I was doing the right thing for my dog.

The rash went away and a few weeks later, it was back and I gave him more medication (it was an on going treatment that I could re-new). About a month later, I decided this is enough, I am NOT giving my dog any more un-necessary medication and we’re switching dog food. As I was at our local animal supply store, the owner of the store, mentioned that Bailey might have a LAMB allergy. I questioned her because I thought lamb was supposed to be great for sensitive dogs. She then informed me that she had heard of purebred's reacting negatively to lamb. Who knew?

Sure enough, I switch his food and the rash went right away within a week. I learned then that the root of most problems your dog may have, come right from the food they eat. We did switch a few more times until we found Natural Balance in the ‘Chicken, Turkey and Duck’ formula. We switched around because some formulas were too high in protein (bad dog gas) or some didn’t have a formula I knew Bailey would enjoy. Bailey loves chicken, so I know that any food we get as to have chicken in it and anything after that, I need to look into. We also know that if we go over 28% protein, he develops very bad gas and no one wants that, ha ha.

All in all, Bailey is healthy, his coat is shiny, his teeth are white, his stools are always solid and he has zero health issues (knock on wood). From my experience and recent experience as well, I have learned I no longer trust what a Veterinarian has to say about my dogs. Do your own research, figure out what your dog needs and try to make it work.


  1. I've learned the same. For example, a lot of vets are given incentives for certain brands. A lot of the time you see Purina or Science Diet. Both are just full of fillers and low quality ingredients though. We've had one heck of a food journey ourselves. 3.5 years and I'm still not sure if we have it quite right.

  2. I noticed that too! I remember in Washington, our Veterinarian, had Science Diet all over the waiting room. Any doctor, that is willing to help push unhealthy dog food is not a good doctor to continue seeing.

    What is Diesel on now? Isn't he on a special diet? I think your situation proves to be more difficult because you're limited to what is available there and what you can order overseas. I wonder if the Natural Balance would work for Diesel? I only say that because I know he is a purebred too. I hope that something ends up working in the end for Diesel. If you ever want me to get and send a small bag of what Bailey is on, just let me know :)
