Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Meet My WOOF Babies

Picture quality is terrible because they're from my phone but I will be getting a better camera shortly.

Blogging about your pet is a brand new concept (ha) but my dogs are real characters. I really don’t have a better way or wording it, well, maybe the fact they drive me INSANE, would be a better option but I will stick with characters, for now.

I am not a dog expert but I am an expert in giving my dog’s the love and care they need. Do they give that back? Heck no. They give that to my husband when he comes home from work everyday. When my husband comes home, they greet him like he is GODS GIFT TO THE WORLD. Sure, he does a lot for our family, so, I will let him feel like a God for five minutes a day, ha ha.

Bailey being stole a clean shirt from the clean laundry pile

Bailey is a full blooded Vizsla and Molly is part Lab, Vizsla and according to everyone else, she is part some other type of dog. When we adopted Molly, we were told she was a Vizsla mix, the second we shared our adoption news and a picture, everyone became DNA experts and told us “NO” she is this breed or this breed, or this breed crossed with this breed. Listen, I am sure she is a mix of a MILLION different breeds of dogs but she is the most gentle, loving, non-aggressive dog we have ever known. Whatever mix of dog she is, she is the best mix of them all, well, besides a Vizsla. I can firmly say she does have Vizsla in her because of her appearance  and some traits we see in her, that Bailey has too.

Just an average day...

Until you have lived with a Vizsla, you won’t know what it is like to live with a Vizsla. I won’t even begin to go on about that now but Vizsla’s are highly intelligent. Sometimes, we think Bailey is smarter than all of us combined but even with that intelligence, you get the most tenderhearted little DEVIL you will ever meet.

Name: Bailey
Nickname: Boo Boo, Puppy, (Insert offensive words), Puppa's
Age: 4
Place of Birth: California
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Ball or no balls: No Balls (neutered)
Color: Red/Rust/Brown
Current food: Natural Balance Grain Free Chicken, Turkey & Duck
Hates: Cats, people walking anywhere he can see out of the balcony window and having his paw’s touched, carrots
Loves: Destroying everything and anything, stealing warm spots on the couch and sharing food.
Favorite snack: Homemade treats and pretty much every fruit and vegetable he can have.
Allergies: Lamb
Tricks: Sit, stay, Up, Roll Over, Beg, Lay Down, Paw, Explode it, High Five, Focus, Head Down and that’s it for now

Name: Molly
Nickname: Mama, Meme, Ma
Age: 2
Place of Birth: California???? Still unknown.
Fixed: Spayed in February 2012
Color: Dirty Blond
Current food: Simply Nourish Chicken & Brown Rice
Dislikes: Being in public, new people and being away from us (Stage five clinger)
Loves: Being with us, laying on something soft, chewing on bones and the fresh air
Favorite Snack: Homemade treats and nothing else because she doesn’t like much
Allergies: Nothing yet
Tricks: Sit, stay (still trying to stay longer than five seconds), Paw, High Five, Lay Down and Roll Over

Out bed is her favorite place in the entire house.

They are my babies, they make each day special and I love every minute with them.

Disclaimer: I am not a dog expert or Veterinarian. Anything I post about my dog’s in regards to diet, health, physical fitness, appearance or anything else in regards to taking care of a pet are mine and mine alone. I do my own research and talk with my friends and specialists to form my own informed opinion. Anything I share is my opinion, based on my research and is what works in my doggy family. Please do your own research and speak with your Veterinarian in regards to the health and well being of your family pet.

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