Monday, January 7, 2013

Precious Moments

Bailey is our 4-year-old Vizsla, who specializes in being a pain in the butt. However, there are many times when he is just a sweet little boy. This morning, I was sitting in my chair, doing something on my computer and I noticed Bailey was walking over to me. He sits down in front of me, looks at the computer, looks at me, and let’s out this little cry of sorts. I put the computer down, invite him up in the chair and he jumps right on up. He then laid right into me, putting his head on my shoulder and arms on either side of me. This is a doggy hug, I don’t care how anyone else views it or how technical you want to get; he was hugging me. He wanted love, he wanted to be close and I loved every moment of it. If he was still a tiny puppy, I might have told him to stay in my lap, but he is anything but tiny now.

As of now, both of my doggies are lying on the couch, asleep and trying to keep warm. Even though they slept for 9 hours on my bed, they always go right back to sleep after a morning walks.

If you have the time, please read this and consider donating. I am part of a Vizsla group, it is more of a community of us Vizsla lovers and I can see the love this woman has for her little girls. You do not have to give a lot, but right now anything will help to cover for the medical care for these precious girls. 

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