Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our second bedroom..

Our second bedroom was recently cleaned/organized so we have much more space in there now. I now leave the door open more, so the dogs have more room to run around/explore. Lately, Bailey has just been loving being in there. I will randomly find him laying on the floor, the bed, looking out the window, or doing whatever dogs do. I think he thinks that is his room now. Hmmmm. He has another thing coming.

I just love finding him just laying on the floor, happy as can be in his new room. I almost want to give him a little space (other than his giant dog bed in there) but there is nothing more to give him.

Ohhhh Bailey! And Molly head butting me :(

When Bailey (and Molly) ask for a walk, they know to sit on the carpet near the front door, and we will leash them up. They're typically patient, wait for the command to move, and for us to open the door to go out. Lately, Bailey has been mixing it up, and what I thought was a one time thing, he has done about once a day. Instead of giving the door room to open, he instead runs to the door, forgets it isn't open, fails to stop, slides on the tile, and hits the door (not hard). I laughed the first time, but then a few days later, he did it again, and I of course laughed again. This doggy is so silly!!!

Then today, I am giving molly hugs and pets, then the next thing you know, she shoots straight up into my jaw! This has to be one of the worst hits to my face, ever. My jaw was swollen, it is still sore hours later, and I am can feel the dull ache in my chin. Boo hoo.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Posting on FB and not my blog

I realized that I was posting everything about my dogs on my FB page, and not posting them on my blog. I don't need to explain what I am posting, since this is for me, I am going to start posting more random blog entries and pictures.

"Things I never thought I would say, "Molly, stop licking the couch"."

She was licking a giant wet spot on the right side of my couch (which she always does), so this time I told her to get down, and go on her doggy bed. I think I will do that from now on, because I am tired of finding the wet surprise when I sit on the couch.

Not five minutes later, did I have to say to Bailey,  "Bailey, stop licking the humidifier".


Everything gets licked on when you have dogs. I guess I will take that over them peeing on everything, right?